Council Proceedings June 27, 2022
The Hospers City Council met in a special session on Monday, June 27 2022, 5:30 PM at the Hospers City Hall with Mayor Dykstra presiding. Council members present: Thompson, Zevenbergen, Otto, Kramer and Vander Wilt. The City Clerk was also present.
Cara Elbert, Planner for Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Commission, present.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Zevenbergen to approve the June 27, 2022 Agenda. Carried.
Public hearing for the Application for Community Development Block Grant opened at 5:32 PM and closed at 5:39 PM, no written or oral objections received.
Cara Elbert read the Citizen Participation Plan. Plan reads as follows:
The need for the project was identified by the City of Hospers with assistance from the project engineer, DGR.
The estimated funding for the project will be comprised of $300,000 in CDBG assistance and approximately $840,591 in local funding anticipated from SRF and local funds. The total project cost is estimated to be $1,140,591. Application for CDBG funding will be submitted to the Iowa Economic Development Authority by July 1, 2022. At least 51% of the CDBG funding will benefit persons of low-to-moderate income. The portion of the CDBG funding that will benefit low-to-moderate income persons will be a maximum of $150,920.
No persons or businesses will be displaced as a result of the recommended project. In the event that any persons or businesses are actually displaced as a result of the recommended project, the entities involved in the project will adhere to the requirements of the Uniform Relocation and Assistance and Acquisition Act of 1974, as amended.
The project includes to remove and replace existing sewer mains, manholes, and related work to improve aging infrastructure. This trunk sewer main carries a significant portion of the sewage from the City of Hospers to the main lift station. Sewer backups or overflows can occur due to infiltration and inflow. Aging piping will be replaced with PVC, old brick or block manholes will be replaced with pre-cast.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Thompson to approve the Citizen Participation Plan. Carried.
Cara Elbert presented the Hospers Community Development and Housing Needs Assessment prepared by Northwest Iowa Planning & Development Commission. Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Kramer to approve Community Development Housing Needs Assessment. Carried.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Otto to approve Resolution 2022-06-24 Authorizing the Application to the Iowa CDBG Program. Roll call vote taken: aye Zevenbergen, aye Otto, aye Thompson, aye Kramer, aye Vander Wilt. Resolution passed.
Motion by Thompson, seconded Kramer to approve Resolution 2022-06-27 Approving the Transfer of Funds from the City’s General Fund to the Fire Department’s Capital Outlay – Vehicles account. Roll call vote taken: aye Zevenbergen, aye Otto, aye Thompson, aye Kramer, aye Vander Wilt. Resolution passed.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Zevenbergen to approve the June 27, 2022 meeting Minutes. Carried.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Kramer to adjourn at 5:44PM. Carried.