Council Proceedings July 24, 2023
The Hospers City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 24, 2023, 5:30 PM at the Hospers City Hall with Mayor Dykstra presiding. Council members present: Kooistra, Otto, Thompson, Kramer, and Vander Wilt. Council members absent: none.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Otto approve the July 24, 2023 Agenda. Carried.
Reviewed Tyler’s Monthly Report, no further action needed at this time.
Motion by Thompson, seconded Vander Wilt to approve the payment of unpaid bills. Carried.
BOMGAARS $ 163.00
CHLOE OTTO $ 96.24
NWIPDC $ 10,000.00
SARAH OTTO $ 65.00
Accounts Payable Total $ 35,169.33
Payroll Checks $ 14,129.21
***** REPORT TOTAL ***** $ 49,298.54
GENERAL $ 20,484.31
FIRE $ 158.57
ROAD USE TAX $ 350.90
WATER $ 4,030.25
SEWER $ 8,039.99
TOTAL FUNDS $ 49,298.54
Motion by Thompson, seconded Vander Wilt to approve Resolution No. 2023-07-24-SR Approving and Authorizing a form of Loan and Disbursement Agreement by and between the City of Hospers, Iowa and the Iowa Finance Authority, and authorizing and providing for the issuance and securing the payment of $644,000 Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes, Series 2023, of the City of Hospers, Iowa, under the provisions of the City Code of Iowa, and providing for a method of payment of said notes, and approving form of tax exemption certificate. Roll call vote taken: Kooistra aye, Otto aye, Thompson aye, Kramer aye, Vander Wilt aye. Resolution adopted.
Motion by Thompson, seconded Otto to approve Resolution No. 2023-07-24-GO Approving and Authorizing a form of Loan and Disbursement Agreement by and between the City of Hospers, Iowa and the Iowa Finance Authority, and authorizing and providing for the issuance and securing the payment of $644,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2023, of the City of Hospers, Iowa, under the provisions of the City Code of Iowa, and providing for a method of payment of said notes, and approving form of tax exemption certificate. Roll call vote taken: Kooistra aye, Otto aye, Thompson aye, Kramer aye, Vander Wilt aye. Resolution adopted.
Motion by Kramer, seconded Kooistra to approve Resolution No. 2023-07-24 Approving the Transfer of Funds from Library Money Market General Fund to Library Savings Account. Roll call vote taken: Kooistra aye, Otto aye, Thompson aye, Kramer aye, Vander Wilt aye. Resolution adopted.
Open Forum at 5:36 PM. Amy and Dave Davison were present to discuss usage of the kitchen at the Old Elementary Building. Mark Falkena was present to discuss the progress of the 2nd Ave. paving project and the damage to the concrete in front of Fred’s Plumbing & Heating.
Discussed 2nd Ave South Project.
Reviewed ROI Energy’s updated LED Lighting Upgrade Proposal packet for the City’s facilities.
Reviewed options for the Wellness Center Facility. Council tabled pending further discussion with the City’s attorney.
Discussed the Hospers Elementary School Building. The Council would like to make the gymnasium and cafeteria area available for rent for events. The City Clerk will contact the City’s attorney to have a Rental Agreement created for the building. The kitchen and some classrooms in the building will be available for long-term rent options. Motion VW, seconded Otto to purchase a security gate.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Otto to approve the July 24, 2023 meeting Minutes. Carried.
Motion by Vander Wilt, seconded Kramer to adjourn at 6:34 PM. Carried.